Saturday, July 3, 2010

When your eyes are bigger than your mouth

Welcome to my blog themed to give a boot up the bum to the culture of excess. And by excess I don't mean owning an ipod (or my new bestie, the iphone); I mean excess to be in the state of having so much that you lose the ability to make sense (think Louis XVI, Sun King, pre-French Revolution kind of excess).

Case in point- viewed the movie "It's Complicated" (Streep and Baldwin) and thankfully had my laptop ready to fast forward through uncomfortable middle age copulation. Dammit, watching Streep and Baldwin get their jiggy on is just not sexy! And, living up to the titular command- the movie was complicated and maybe should have been subtitled: "I'm a viewer and I'm confused".

Here's the plot as I understand it: Couple has family, lots of money, good careers, but hang-on, they forget to talk or even like each other (oops!) So he has an affair and she divorces him before she can have a chance to admit that she really didn't like him anyway. Then they meet up again ten years later, both still have lots of money but hmmm, she's bored and lonely and living in a fantastic house with a big garden and he's bored and feeling old with a young wife and a hideous stepson. New title "I'm bored so I'll get complicated."

Here's my remedy: take away the house, garden, high paying jobs, good looking spouses, secret nookie in a flash hotel and what do you have? Just getting through. See, nothing complicated about that!

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